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Importance of Farm Biosecurity

Farm biosecurity is the practice of protecting farms and Agricultural properties from the introduction and spread of pests, diseases, and weeds. It is important for farmers to implement biosecurity measures to protect their crops, livestock, and property.



There are many reasons why biosecurity is important. Pests, diseases, and weeds can cause significant damage to crops and livestock. They can also reduce the quality of agricultural products, and make them more difficult to sell. In some cases, pests, diseases, and weeds can even lead to the death of livestock.


Agricultural and farm biosecurity measures can help to prevent pests, diseases, and weeds from entering a farm. They can also help to stop these pests, diseases, and weeds from spreading once they have entered a farm.



The property owner is aware of the many different biosecurity measures that can be implemented such as:


Cleaning and disinfecting vehicles and equipment before entering a property.

Staff checking for pests, diseases, and weeds on livestock and crops when moving around the property.

Quarantining new livestock and crops for a period of time before introducing them to a property.

Rotating crops to help prevent the build-up of pests and diseases, using resistant varieties of crops, and maintaining good sanitation.



Visitors to farms should also be aware of the importance of biosecurity.


Visitors should:

Clean and disinfect their vehicles and equipment before entering a farm.

Check for pests, diseases, and weeds on their clothing and belongings before entering a farm.

Ask the property Owner about the farm’s biosecurity measures.

Follow the properties instructions when visiting the farm.

By following these simple biosecurity measures, farmers and visitors can help to protect farms and properties from the introduction and spread of pests, diseases, and weeds.



Having the Biosecurity information readily available and the visitors requirements, and ensuring Visitors record their visit and also acknowledge they are aware of the Biosecurity requirements are very important.


Digital Forms Everywhere has all of the tools needed to help Owners, Managers, Staff and Visitors to be aware of and record any information required to maintain good Biosecurity practices.